TMS treatment for chronic pain and headaches

Neuronavigation guided TMS treatment of chronic pain and headache can be useful in some patients. Pain is the result of a complex process culminating in the conscious perception of pain by our brains. At Park Avenue Neurology, we find additional complementary treatments, including botox, anti-inflammatory agents, physical therapy, and stretching can treat chronic pain and headaches. We do not use opioids.



Photo of a patient with chronic headaches describing how she was treated for her chronic pain.

A patient discusses treatment of her chronic pain and headaches without the use of opioid medications. She is using fewer medications at lower doses and, most importantly, is pain-free.



Screen shot of Neurology article, "Creativity in Medicine," by Dr. Devi.

Instead of opioids for treating chronic pain and headaches, a holistic approach, treating the muscles, nerves, joints, and the brain is far more effective. Opiate use in chronic pain often leads to dependence and ineffective pain control.



Image of clouds on a blue background, cover of book: the Calm Brain.

Treating chronic pain and headaches from the top down means modifying the brain first, the brain-mind-body connection. An important route to the brain from the body is through the vagus “Buddha” nerve. Treatments such as acupuncture and massage help in chronic pain treatment by altering vagus input into the brain.



Image of Dr. John Sarno examining a patient with chronic pain Barbara Walters in foreground.

Dr. John Sarno, a pioneered a revolutionary treatment for chronic back pain, based on evolution and science, without the use of drugs. Here he is, featured on 20-20, describing his technique for long-term relief from crippling back pain.



TMS coil being held on the surface of the scalp to treat chronic pain and headaches (models, not actual patients)

Neuromodulation and brain stimulation with TMS is one way to treat chronic pain and headaches effectively without medication, using a top-down approach.